Preschool Room (2-4 Unit)
Here in the 2-4s Unit your child’s care and wellbeing will be paramount, with our qualified staff who are friendly as well as experienced. Children will be offered a stimulating and fun environment to explore and learn through valuable play experiences.
With our key person system, staff members get to know the children as individuals understanding their needs and how to scaffold their learning to enhance their play opportunities. Quality interactions are key to helping children become confident and happy learners, through these interactions children can share ideas, express themselves and ask questions to spark their curiosity. Practitioners will help children to enhance their knowledge and challenge their thinking to build on relationships with others and become lifelong learners.
Our 2-4’s Unit includes different areas for the children to discover, such as our construction room, home corner, library, small world, messy play spaces and outside gardens. Children are able to free flow within all of these areas and with our practitioner’s knowledge of children’s current interests and needs, they are able to provide a stimulating environment for children to flourish and thrive.

Our Approach
Our approach here at Peter Pan has elements of ‘in the moment’ planning, this enables children to make independent choices alongside their current interests which can then be extended by our knowledgeable practitioners. Adult led ‘invitations to play’ are also provided to give children experiences that they may not have chosen or experienced before. Using both help us to offer children a vast array of learning opportunities within the EYFS, promoting the seven areas of learning.
Prime Areas: Personal Social and Emotional development
Communication and Language development
Physical development
Specific Areas: Literacy
Understanding of the world
Expressive Arts and Design

The progress check at age two
A “2-year check” is carried out by your child’s key person this is a mandatory requirement and will assess your child’s development and need for extra support if needed, this will then be discussed with you in a one to one meeting. Our outside areas are accessed all year round and form part of our free flow approach. There is no such thing as bad weather just bad clothing!
The key person carries out the progress check at age two in accordance with any local procedures that are in place and referring to the guidelines; A Know How Guide: The EYFS progress check at age two.
The progress check aims to review the child's development and ensures that parents have a clear picture of their child's development.
Within the progress check, the key person will note areas where the child is progressing well and identify areas where progress is less than expected.
The progress check will describe the actions that will be taken by us to address any developmental concerns (including working with other professionals where appropriate) as agreed with the parent(s).
The key person will plan activities to meet the child's needs within the setting and will support parents to understand the child's needs in order to enhance their development at home.
Our facilities
Throughout the 2-4s Unit which is based downstairs, children have access to all areas throughout the day. The bathroom has child-size toilets to promote independence when toilet training. We also have a changing area for children that are using nappies. All areas downstairs are wheelchair friendly.